Though numerous remote sensors exist, only five types are widely employed. They are: 1. Photography 2. Infrared Scanners 3. Radar Imagery 4. Multi-Band Spectral Photography 5. Land Sat Imageries. Type # 1. Photography: Photography is the most widely used and highly developed methods of remote sensing. Photographic cameras operate in the visible and the near […]
Types of Remote Sensors | Photo Geology
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Top 10 Uses of Aerial Photographs | Photo Geology
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This article throws light upon the top ten uses of aerial photographs in civil engineering projects. The uses are: 1. Preliminary Surveys 2. Acquisition of Land 3. Water Supply and Power Schemes 4. Transmission Lines 5. Road and Railway Engineering 6. Town and Country Planning 7. Land Drainage and Flood Prevention 8. Navigation Channels, Harbours […]