Water entering the soil at the surface is called infiltration. It replenishes the soil-moisture deficiency and the excess moves downward by the force of gravity called deep seepage or percolation and builds up the ground-water table. The maximum rate at which the soil in any given condition is capable of absorbing water is called its […]
How to Measure the Infiltration of Water by Soil? | Ground Water
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Infiltration: Essay on Infiltration | Land Surface | Geography
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After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Definition of Infiltration 2. Factors Affecting Infiltration 3. Measurement 4. Estimation. Essay on Infiltration Essay Contents: Essay on the Definition of Infiltration Essay on the Factors Affecting Infiltration Essay on the Measurement of Infiltration Essay on the Estimation of Infiltration Essay # 1. Definition of Infiltration: […]