The geophysical techniques inside a drilled hole include: 1. Electric Logging 2. Radioactive Logging 3. Induction Logging 4. Sonic Logging 5. Fluid Logging 6. Down-Hole Photography. Technique # 1. Electric Logging: A four electrode arrangement is commonly employed in measuring resistivity from bore holes similar to the four electrodes used in surface resistivity method. A […]
Geophysical Techniques inside a Borehole | Geography
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Classification of Geophysical Techniques | Hydrogeology
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Based on the property on which the method depends the geophysical techniques can be broadly classified as: 1. Gravity Prospecting 2. Magnetic Prospecting 3. Electrical and Electro-Magnetic Prospecting 4. Seismic Prospecting 5. Well Logging Techniques. 1. Gravity Prospecting Method: The gravity method of geophysical prospecting is based on the fact that the gravitational attraction of […]