The following points highlight the three main types of coral reefs. The types are: 1. Fringing Reef 2. Barrier Reef 3. Atoll. Type # 1. Fringing Reef: Coral reefs developed along the continental margins or along the islands are called fringing reefs (fig. 30.1). The seaward slope is steep and vertical while the landward slope […]
3 Main Types of Coral Reefs | Oceans | Geography
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4 Main Theories of Coral Reefs and Atolls | Oceans | Geography
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The following points highlight the four main theories of coral reefs and atolls. The theories are: 1. Subsidence Theory of Darwin 2. Stand Still Theory of Murray 3. Glacial Control Theory of Daly 4. Concept of W.M. Davis. 1. Subsidence Theory of Darwin: Charles Darwin postulated his subsidence theory first in 1837 and modified it […]