After reading this essay you will learn about the phosphorus cycle. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plants and animals in the form of ions PO43- and HPO42-. It is a part of DNA-molecules, of molecules that store energy (ATP and ADP) and of fats of cell membranes. Phosphorus is also a building block of […]
Phosphorus Cycle: Essay on the Phosphorus Cycle | Earth | Geography
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Sulphur Cycle: Essay on the Sulphur Cycle | Earth |Geography
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After reading this essay you will learn about the sulphur cycle. Sulphur is one of the components that make up proteins and vitamins. Proteins consist of amino acids that contain sulphur atoms. Sulphur is important for the functioning of proteins and enzymes in plants, and in animals that depend upon plants for sulphur. Plants absorb […]