Content Guidelines

This website does not accept articles arbitrarily. We follow a strict set of rules and guidelines.

This website entertains only original and quality articles. Read the below given Content Guidelines before submitting articles to this site.


1. You should be the original author/owner of each and every article you submit to this site.

2. Your articles must contain more than 300 words. Any article under 300 words may be rejected.

3. Don’t submit copied articles from books, magazines or from any other documents. If you are found promoting any kind of plagiarism on this site, your account and IP address may be banned and all your previously submitted articles may be deleted from the site.

4. Don’t submit any articles that contain hate, negative review, racialism or any other illegal materials.

5. Don’t include any affiliate links or any kind of hyperlinks in the body of your articles.

6. Don’t submit any articles that are already available on the internet.

Must and Mustn’t

1. Your article must Have Proper English, Which Includes Proper Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization and Sentence Structure.

2. Your article Must Not be a Private Label Rights (PLR) article or Contain Unattributed Content to Which the Author Does Not Have Exclusive Rights.

3. Your article Must Not be Written as a Press Release, News Article or be Time Sensitive.

4. Your article Must Not Contain Self-Serving or Promotional Content in the article Title, Body, or Summary.

5. Your article Must Not Contain Negative Content Towards any Product, Company, Individual, or Group.

6. Your article Must Not Contain Illegal or Overly Controversial Content.

7. Your article Must Not Contain Rehashed Content, or Material Overly Similar to your Prior Submissions.

8. Your article Must Not be Formatted as a Blog Post or Read as a Personal Email, Letter or Other Correspondence.

9. Your article Must Not Contain Information that Promotes Unethical Internet Activities, Business Practices or Anything that Would Create a Poor User Experience for Web Users.


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